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Seasoned Firewood – FAQs

Published on 23 May 2023

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The Ultimate Guide to Seasoned Firewood: Quality, Storage, and Comparison with Kiln-Dried Firewood 

Welcome to the Firewood Fuel MK blog, your go-to source for all things firewood-related. In this article, we will delve into the world of seasoned firewood – The process of seasoning wood, the ideal moisture levels, methods to test them, tips for proper storage, and a comparison with kiln-dried firewood.  

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and let’s get started! 

1. Understanding Seasoned Firewood 

Seasoned firewood refers to wood that has been dried out naturally to achieve a low moisture content, making it ideal for efficient and clean burning. The seasoning process involves allowing freshly cut wood to dry naturally over a period of time. The aim is to reduce the moisture content to a level that ensures optimal combustion. 

2. The Importance of Moisture Content 

The moisture content of firewood plays a crucial role in its burning efficiency. Ideally, seasoned firewood should have a moisture content of below 20%. Higher moisture levels can lead to increased smoke, decreased heat output, and excessive creosote buildup, which can be hazardous and contribute to chimney fires. 

3. Testing Moisture Levels 

Testing the moisture content of firewood is essential to ensure you’re using properly seasoned wood. Here are a few methods to help you test moisture levels: 

Moisture Meter: Invest in a reliable moisture meter designed specifically for firewood. This tool provides relatively accurate readings and takes the guesswork out of determining moisture content. 

Check for Cracks: Seasoned firewood tends to develop visible cracks at the ends as it dries out. These cracks indicate that the wood has dried out sufficiently. 

Weight Comparison: Compare the weight of a freshly cut log with that of a seasoned log of the same size. Seasoned firewood is significantly lighter due to the loss of moisture. 

4. The Seasoning Process 

Proper seasoning is key to achieving quality firewood. Follow these steps to effectively season your firewood: 

Split the Wood: Splitting wood exposes a larger surface area, allowing moisture to escape more easily so it is always best to split lengths of wood into small rings or logs before leaving them to dry out. 

Stack the Wood: Create a well-ventilated stack of wood, preferably off the ground, to facilitate air circulation which will help the wood to dry out and not become damp or sweat in warmer weather. 

Cover the Stack: Protect the wood from rain and snow using a waterproof cover, while still allowing airflow – Using a tarpaulin is good as it’s lightweight so it won’t suffocate your logs and prevent them from drying out. 

Time Required: Depending on the type of wood and local climate, it may take around 6-12 months for the wood to season properly. Be sure to check on the logs regurlarly throughout the drying process so you can keep track and then you’ll have a rough idea of timings for your next go. 

5. Storage Tips for Seasoned Firewood 

Once your firewood has been properly seasoned, it’s essential to store it correctly to maintain its quality. Consider the following tips: 

Keep it Off the Ground: Elevate your firewood stack using pallets or a firewood rack to prevent moisture absorption from the ground. 

Ventilation: Allow for adequate airflow around the stacked wood to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew. 

Protection from Elements: Cover the top of the stack to shield the wood from rain and snow while still maintaining airflow. 

Accessibility: Store firewood in a convenient location, ensuring easy access for when you need it. 

6. Kiln-Dried Firewood: A Comparison 

While seasoned firewood offers numerous benefits, kiln-dried firewood is an alternative worth considering. Here’s a quick comparison between the two: 

Moisture Content: Kiln-dried firewood is artificially dried in a kiln, usually resulting in a lower moisture content of around 10-15%. This makes it burn hotter and more efficiently than seasoned firewood but, if you dry your seasoned wood out the right way and for long enough then it can also reach the same moisture levels. 

Availability: Kiln-dried firewood is often readily available, even during wet or cold seasons as it’s not weather dependent, finding well-seasoned firewood all year round can be more challenging. 

Price: Kiln-dried firewood is generally more expensive due to the additional energy and time required in the drying process. 


By understanding the process of seasoning wood, testing moisture levels, and implementing proper storage techniques, you can ensure a clean and efficient firewood-burning experience. Whether you opt for seasoned firewood or kiln-dried firewood, Firewood Fuel MK is here to meet your firewood needs. Explore our website to view our range of high-quality firewood products and enhance your cozy winter nights. 

Remember, when it comes to firewood, quality matters, so choose wisely and enjoy the warmth and ambiance it brings to your home! 

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